
Simple Delicious Food started a decade ago as a list of recipes. Over time, it evolved. It now considers nutritional advice and environmental concerns and food waste.

“Home-cooked food is best” is not a controversial statement, yet it remains difficult. Research states that time and money constraints are the toughest; there is also a perception that processed food is cheaper or less wasteful. The participants agreed that cooking from scratch at home is the best way to eat healthily.

Simple Delicious Food is here to help. It contains well-tailored, flexible, nutritious recipes, cooking hacks and meal plans—the kind one keeps secret and passes to their children. 

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Further reading

Making the Case by Ecolab

Good and Cheap by Leanne Brown

Project Bread Let’s Cook Healthy School Lunches

USDA American Dietary Guidelines

Photo credits

Cover Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Greens Photo by Dose Juice on Unsplash